• eJournal-Artikel aus "Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement " Ausgabe 1/2011

    International Organisations in Idea Management: Ideas.Arabia

    Autor: Abdulqader Obaid Ali
    ... forum consisting of 14 organizations to optimize and focus the effectiveness of Suggestion Programs under the Chairmanship of Mr. Abdulqader Obaid Ali... ... the benefit of benchmarking with other Suggestion Programs, regionally and internationally. Profile Abdulqader Obaid Ali Chief of Internal Audit, Dubai... ... World President – Institute of Internal Auditors IIA – UAE Chapter Chairman, Ideas.Arabia Abdulqader Obaid Ali is the Chief of Internal Audit for Dubai... ... Obaid Ali Ideas.Arabia is a sub group of Dubai Quality Group formed in line with the Ideas UK in the year 2002. Initially, Ideas.Arabia was formed by a... ...International Internationales Organisations in Idea Management: Ideas.Arabia International Organizations in Idea Management: Ideas.Arabia Abdulqader...
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