• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2022

    The Novel Before Cervantes: Spanish Fiction and «Historical Truth» from Montalvo (1508) to Alemán (1599)

    Autor: J.A. Garrido Ardila
    ... The Novel Before Cervantes: Spanish Fiction and «Historical Truth» from Montalvo 1508 to Alemán 1599 By J.A. Garrido Ardila Matta Abstract... ..., originally published in three volumes in 1905, 1907 and 1910. More recently, J.A. Garrido Ardila: «Génesis y desarrollo de la novela en Espańa, 1499–1605», in... .... Garrido Ardila in the works cited below . I will use verisimilar to Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 259:1 2022 54 J.A... ... analysis of Aristotelian realism and verisimilitude in Don Quixote, see J.A. Garrido Ardila: «Cervantes y la novela moderna: literatura experimental y... ... Tormes ca. 1550 and Don Quixote, see J.A. Garrido Ardila: «La modernidad del Lazarillo de Tormes», in: Symposium. A Quarterly Journal in Modern Languages... ... neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 259:1 2022 56 J.A. Garrido Ardila nying Don Quixote is a novel, a genre he believes crystallised in the eighteenth... ... assessments of Don Quixote see J.A. Garrido Ardila: «Introducción: el Quijote hoy», in: id. ed. : Cervantes’s Don Quixote in the Quatercentenary of Part II... .... Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 259:1 2022 58 J.A. Garrido Ardila for Quijano’s delusions before they are thrown into a... ... 60 J.A. Garrido Ardila 1596 – specifically the aforementioned distinction between «poetry» and «history». And although Pinciano’s bearing on Don... ... que de este género se han compuesto» 51 . Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 259:1 2022 62 J.A. Garrido Ardila nuanced...
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