• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2021

    Journal of a Plague Year: 6 Voices from the Humanities Worldwide. Part II

    Autor: Vladimir Andreev, Catherine Brown, Christa Jansohn, Julia Kuehn, u.a.
    ... Island.” Stefania Michelucci is Full Professor of English Studies at the University of Genoa, Italy. She specializes in Modernism and the visual arts and... ... Era,” Stefania Michelucci develops a reconstruction of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe with particular attention to Italy, starting from... ... 355 5. On or about March 2020 everything changed: Italian Perspectives on a New Era. By STEFANIA MICHELUCCI University of Genoa “On or about December... ... 2021 356 Stefania Michelucci Edvard Munch, Abend auf der Karl Johans gate 1892 , Oil on Canvas, Kunstmuseum Bergen, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons... ... Literaturen, 258:2 2021 358 Stefania Michelucci theless, while I travelled back home from Genoa, the news came that schools were closing all over Italy. On 9...
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